


Moogle (from Ivalice)


Mila is a rather shy and timid moogle. Soft spoken she is easily overlooked no thanks to her small statue as well. 


Born in  Ivalice in a rather large family of moogles with a lot of siblings. Most of them turned out to be adventurers, but Mila decided to study the arts of healing. A rarity among moogles. 

As a child she used to play with her siblings and they would pretend to go on adventures, even banding together to take on small monsters. One day they took on a monster they couldn't beat and the children ran. As they ran Mila had tripped and fell, breaking her leg and trapped in a ditch. She was eventually found by her parents after her siblings had directed them back, but the event had left a mark on her. Leaving her to be much more shy and scared of the world. 

It was then when she found her passion for stories and writing of all sorts. She would sit just outside the house with all sorts of books. Getting absorbed into page after page and even writing a few of her own.

Currently she lives with a white mage Nu Mou who she is apprenticing under. They both live above a bookstore which they run.


Milk tea, a good story ( the old fables are her fravorite), chocobos


Seeing others hurt, battling, scary monsters, She considers Bangaa and Seeq a bit scary considering their culture.


Born into a large family she has two parents who live a town over. Her siblings roam the lands in search for adventure thus she doesn't speak to them much.


She makes friends here and there but is more of a wall flower than a social butterfly. Is on good terms with her teacher.


Is currently not actively seeking a romantic relationship. It's not that she's ugly, it's just any advance towards her is too forward and she shys away from it.

Things to note 

Is usually in a suit, the picture here is for marking purposes only.

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